Friday, September 19, 2008

favorite shop friday: artquirk

One of my favorite things about living in and traveling around Europe is the architecture! And I've recently discovered Nina Clough who has a little shop called Artquirk filled with her architectural drawings of places all over Europe.

Her chosen architectural subjects aren't the iconic views one would expect from some of these famous locales...but as a result you get the sense of the place, it's mood and view that only the locals really see and appreciate.

Nina has such a delicate style and, I think, perfectly captures the mood of the places she paints...the urban comfort of Dublin, the prettiness of Paris, the freshness of Greece...I been to some of these places and Nina's artwork only makes me want to see more!

Escape with Nina's artwork at her shop,, where she also has beautiful images of nature, fairy tales and where you can even commission her to paint a portriat of your own home!

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